Hi all
Just wanted to draw your attention to this site http://bread.mattters.com/
Don't know if you are aware of it.
Happy Baking!
Hi all
Just wanted to draw your attention to this site http://bread.mattters.com/
Don't know if you are aware of it.
Happy Baking!
Very good site, thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing the site I found a few interesting recipes to try!
My reason for drawing attention to it was that I didn't know about it, and the site was posting links to all my blog posts in their bread section whether or not they were anything to do with bread, so I asked them to stop and they did. It might suit some people/sites but it wasn't for me. There are no original posts on the site, it's just taking stuff from other sources and aggregating them in one place and they don't ask or email you to let you know they are doing it. There may be loads of other sites like that, this one spooked me a bit to be honest, to see all my photos plastered all over the page. They do state that all copyright belongs to the posters and they post links back to blogs and sites, so for people who want increased traffic it is a good thing I guess? Best wishes, Zeb