Summer is most definitely my favourite time of the year. And finally it's here! Few things are better than wandering about outdoors in the early hours of morning, letting the sun shine down on you and inhaling the refreshing scents of wet grass, blooming flowers and the fresh, salty air blowing in from the sea.
Summer also means an abundance of ripe berries and fruit. Yesterday I spotted some lush, perfectly ripe strawberries that a farmer was selling. When you get them just right; blood red, plump, juicy and wildly fragrant, few things outmatch strawberries. Strawberries pair perfectly with pistachios, so this morning I prepared some pistachio frangipane tarts and dressed them up with some succulent berries after baking. Below is a photo of blind baked pâte sucrée shells and pistachio frangipane in the red bowl. For the pistachio frangipane, I mixed 2 parts pistachio cream (just replace almond meal with pistachio meal in your almond cream recipe) with 1 part Grand Marnier flavoured pastry cream.
The tarts were filled 2/3 the way up with pistachio frangipane and baked at 190C for 15 - 20 mins, until baked through. They were then cut into smaller portions and brought along to the office together with some freshly baked tebirkes. A terrific summer treat :)
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Stunning baking! Your breads always look beautiful but your pastry skills are something else.
I hope you dont mind my asking, but I remember you saying a while back that you were writing your thesis, I was just wondering what field of acedemia you are in? I myself am in molecular cell biology and work in a lab researching heart failure.
Thanks so much for your compliment, Ben!
Yes, you're right about the thesis; I handed in my ph.d. thesis last autumn and had my thesis defense in November 2009. It was a bit scary, but it all went remarkably well! :)
I was working in the field of mesoscopic physics ("meso" means "in between" as in "between the microscopic and the macroscopic worlds"). We did theoretical studies of the transport properties of nanoscale ferromagnets and superconductors. It's been a very busy and active field of research ever since the 80s.
I'm positive that molecular cell biology is no less active and busy, however!
Thanks again, Ben :)
What an acheivement! I'm looking forward to being in your position someday (hopefully in the not too distant future)! I'm 2 and a bit years into my PhD in the US.
And best of luck yourself!
Hansjoakim, it's all so wonderful!
I want to eat the whole plate! Beautiful work.
Lots of health benefits in the pistachios, too.
You must be the most popular man in your office, Hans.