Cook's Almost no knead bread, questions to different baking methods


Yesterday baked my first Almost No Knead Bread following  Breadtopia's instructions: Wow, felt like I did a quick trip over the ocean and had arrived at home in Switzerland eating that bread. Have already another batch (regular white and WW this time) rising.Thanks Eric for your great videos!

 Now my question: no knead breads seem to be put in a hot container to be backed. Why? I have seen Eric bake the sandwich loaf in a cold container. What is the difference? Thanks for your input.

Barbara in NC


I think the reason is to simulate a hearth oven.  I've been meaning to experiment & just cook a loaf on my terra cotta tiles to see what the difference would be but I haven't done it yet.  The 65- 70 % hydration recipes I make seem to do just fine without the  cover ( using steam).

I have heard people mention they don't pre-heat their clay bakers & have good results.
