Jewish Bakers Tests - Stan's Poppy Horns

Obviously we can't share the recipes - you'll have to buy the Jewish Baker's Cookbook for that =) but I made the poppy horns yesterday and they turned out beautifully. The dough is a dream to work with and the flavor is unbeatable! 

book that I am going to get if it breaks the bank! They just look so good, and I bet taste better!

The authors are long time bakers. At least one of them I know was a professional baker for many years - I am anxious to see the finished cookbook. Thanks for the nice compliment - I am a relatively new baker and I was very pleased with the results of this recipe and how it turned out.

Coming from you - someone I have followed once I got familiar with the posters on TFL - I consider this an ultimate compliment =).


Those look awesome. You did a great job and I bet they taste wonderful!


so is it sweet and buttery inside?  where can the book be purchased I searched for the title above but nothing came up can you post more info



The recipe does call for a bit of sugar and eggs - no butter was added. I think the thing that gives these rolls such a different delicious flavor is the malt powder in the recipe. They were delicious and I will be making them again - they disappeared pretty fast around here. The recipes we all did in this thread were test recipes for the New York Bakers Cookbook which has yet to be published so we can't share recipes yet. Stan and Norm are great contributors of this blog and I know as soon as the book is ready to be offered to the general public there will be an announcement here so keep your eye out! The book would make a great holiday gift.

  Hi,  You can find this book at Amazon, King Arthur,or  Barnes and Nobel.  Pam

The recipe this thread refers to comes from Norm and Stan, who were using TFL members as test bakers for their yet-to-be published (and yet to be officially titled) book.

I imagine that once it's ready for publication, they will post that info here.


Sorry, thought we were talking about another book.  Can hardly wait for Norm and Stan's cookbook.  Everything looks so good.  Pam

Polish Paluszki z Makiem or  Maslane Rogale z Makiem -  Fingers with Poppy Seeds (you can see the photos and the recipe here: - blog is in Polish but this recipe is not so complicated and  with the Google translator this is not a problem)

 or Buttery Croissant (yeasted) with Poppy Seeds . They are very popular in Poland. 

I never baked them because I prefer eating  whole grain sourdough bread.

 The Horn shape (Rozki) is not familliar to me. I'm from  the north part of Poland and it`s possible that in other regions of Poland that shape is more popular.


above looks very much like the rohlichy that I love to make,  very simple and very tasty.  While waiting for the much anticipated book.....I have to have might give these a try I don't think you'll be dissapointed.


1 cup warm milk
1 cup warm water
2 1/2 teaspoons dry yeast
3/4 cup corn oil (I prefer Mazola)
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. salt
5 - 6 cups flour

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in milk, oil, sugar, eggs and salt. Add in flour to make a soft dough (stand mixer or bread machine). Place in lightly oiled bowl, turning to coat completely; cover and let rise until double; punch down. The rising and punching down can be repeated several times; just be sure not to let the dough rise more than double each time. I prefer 2 or 3 risings as I believe it results in a more tender roll, but one rising is sufficient.

Roll dough into a circle about 12 inches in diameter and about 1/2 inch thick.
Cut circle into 8 wedges, I find a pizza wheel works well. Form each wedge into a crescent by rolling from the wide end towards the point. Place rolls on parchment lined pan with point underneath.

Brush tops of rohlicky with 1 egg yolk beaten with 1 tablespoon water. Sprinkle generously with poppy seed. Let rise until double.

Bake at 375º until lightly browned, approximately 15-20 minutes. Brush with melted butter immediately upon removing from oven.

Help!! I would love to have the recipe for the poppy seed horns...I moved from New Haven, Connecticut where you could get a horn in numerous bakeries to Cape Cod where everyone says, “what are you talking about??”.....if not the recipe, the name of the cookbook and the author...please!! Please!! Please!! 


I am enjoying the book "Inside the Jewish Bakery". It really gives a different perspective on using different recipes that I have used in the past. I was hoping you could send me in the right direction. I am looking for a recipe for Poppy Seed Horns. It is not the breaded horns but more of a danish. I was told that it is made with a sweet dough recipe. Locating the recipe has been very difficult. I am not sure if I am missing it in the above said book. I am including a link of what the Poppy Seed Horns look like. I appreciate all your help and look forward to hearing from you.…


All the Best.

Thank you Abe for responding. The recipe you sent is more of a breaded horn. I am looking for more of a Danish type. I included a link for the picture in my first comment. Thank you so much.

Trish, are the shaping instructions on point? I have the book and love it. I'll reach out if I have shaping questions. 

Kind regards,

Will F.