Actually just a yeasted multigrain. Pretty much according to the recipe (Reinhart, Crust & Crumb), apart from: two-day old biga instead of one, milk instead of buttermilk, white rice instead of brown rice, added more salt.
Here's the funny part: the oven rise lifted up one bread, but 'pushed-down' the other. Why is that? Temp should not have caused this. I did score them, but a bit too late. Structure and taste are really great. The tie is from few years ago, wanted to make sure my kids remember what day it is...
Happy baking.
Jw. (aka 'father's day in Dutch: vaderdag)
I think it looks delicious. Well done
The loaves look great, but the message is sublime.
Happy belated Father's Day from another.
Bernie Piel
do you mean the message on the tie?