70% Rye Sourdough from Hamelman


This is my first try to post some pictures of bread

I made Hamelmans 70% Rye loafs today for the second time and they turned out pretty good

I didn't add any yeast though, cause I don not think it is necessary. It prolongs the bulk fermentation a bit but not substantial.

I forgot to add, that it was a Detmolder 3-stage bread. And I also added additionally  ground Anise and Fennels Seeds to it. Being from Austria, living in the UK I was really happy to get a taste of home:)

Here is also a shot of the crumb.

Love the dish towel effect too!  The work was worth it!  Beautiful Crust color!

I'm not sure what you mean by  "I didn't add any yeast though, cause I don not think it is necessary. It prolongs the bulk fermentation a bit but not substantial."  

I find the opposite to be true, adding yeast speeds up fermentation and shortens working time.  I also don't add extra yeast to my ryes.

Tip: Save a slice of this loaf (hide it) and crumble it into the next sour starter when you build it so it can ferment.  It works just like food and gives a great sour kick. 

Have you been following the burning nettel thread?  Coriander is also a spice worth checking into, it makes up the bulk of Brotgewürz.

Keep the Rye coming,


Thanks for all your kind words

Mini, that's actually not a dish towel, but the pattern of my Brotform:)

I was also thinking about the Coriander, but I didn't want to overpower it.

And I will definitely try to crumble one slice in my next starter-thanks for the tip:)

The nettel thread does not ring a bell-have to look for that one

Looks great! I am sure it must taste amazing.....I will soon have to start adding some homemade Brotgewuerz..have never tried it !
