Ok, back from my business trip to beautiful San Antonio, Texas ...got more work done on the garden shed, and I'll be baking the whole wheat (pate fermentee?) from Bread for The Bread Challeng on Sunday. Here's the lates on the garden shed ...and a tidbit or two on the shop that I'm having built at the same time. My yard is a genuine construction zone!!!
Got all 4 walls in. Notice the windows all along the near end and around each corner. This end of the shed will be a seed-starting / pseudo-greenhouse for early-starting our Alaskan garden. Why buy when you can grow?
Lifting the roof trusses into place ...alone! I threaded them in in-between studs, raised one end on top of a wall as high as I could reach, then lifted the other end onto the opposite wall... and voila! Trusses on top of the walls, upside down, ready to be flipped into place.
After getting the truss, upside down, on top of the walls, I raised it to a support that spanned the shed, then used a "picker upper thingy" that I made to flip the truss upright and lean it against the others.
Here we are with all 8 trusses on the top of the walls, leaning against each other and ready to be moved into position. I'll get OSB onto the roof and some of the siding on before the weekend is out... and will be baking on Sunday, pate fermentee prepared on Saturday (wife's birthday ...wait until she sees the diamond earings that I bought her!! A more wonderful women can't be found...)
And if a garden shed weren't enough ...I'm also having a builder build a shop for me ...so I can pursue my other hobby ...boat building! Isn't my wife wonderful? She agreed to buying this house with extra land and room for a shop, and agreed to building the shop too!
Please Mister ...Try not to make a mess of my back yard! Right! This guy doesn't know the meaing of the word "neat" or "clean" or "just as much as you need to and no more"! We'll have some landscaping to do after he's done!
Got the foundation excavated and ready to form things up and pour concrete...
Foundation poured ...stem wall constructed, now need to level out the interior, fill with gravel, add 4" blue foam insulation and pour the slab! The shop is 28' wide by 36' long ...hard to tell in the photo. Garage door is 12' wide by 11' tall, interior ceiling 12'6" high, 12:12 roof with 36' long by 11.5' wide bonus room upstairs!
Oh yeah... Baking on Sunday!!!
- tananaBrian's Blog
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Brian, Are those Aspen trees behind the shed? What a beautiful and serene spot. Good luck w/ your plans. Are you new to Alaska? I have a client who is the manager/operator of a fleet of ten fishing ships/boats that are based out of either Anchorage or Nome and he loves home made bread. Maybe there's a connectiion there for your boat building, repairing skills. Let me know if this is something that you would want to follow up on and I'll send you his info under a private email. berniepiel@cox.net.
Bernie Piel
Our home in Fairbanks had aspen, birch, arctic spruce and small alder and willow. Our home here in Wasilla has almost all birch and some young arctic spruce ...no aspen and hardly any willow. And no, we're not new to Alaska and yes, always happy to meet new people. If your client is interested in boat building and/or bread baking, feel free to give him a shout... I'll email you my email address.
Update: I've baked a couple of recipes out of Hamelman since summer more or less took over my spare time and made baking a hard thing to squeeze in ...the recipes that I baked turned out poorly due to lack of timely attention as I tried to multi-task. I'll be diving back into The Bread Challenge very soon however since I'm finally starting to wrap things up on the shop and garden shed ...almost ready for winter and winter projects. Left to do before winter projects: finish vapor barrier inside the shop, sheet rock 1-1/2 walls (only to the 8' height), then build in a permanent work bench. I'll get most of that done this weekend and should be able to wrap things up next weekend for sure ...then it's back to boat building and bread baking as usual!
Making progress...
Basic structure done...
Our first visitor to the new shop...
Wired, insulated, partially painted (good enough for this winter)...
Natural gas plumbed, 60 kBTU unit heater installed, interior vapor barrier partially done...
Vapor barrier complete on ceiling and approx. 2 walls. 2 walls to go... Sheet rock and remaining lights, then work bench and it'll be good for the winter...
Oh ...and the garden shed is done (sans interior walls and shelving ...a winter project to be done later.)