50% Wholewheat Loaf

Profile picture for user Mebake

This is a late 50% Wholewheat loaf i made:


Happy Healthy Baking!


The crumb and nice ear does look great!


Profile picture for user Nickisafoodie

If you don't mind, what was your hydration ratio?  thanks!!


I forgot to mention, I also like your tile back-splash on the counter. Very artsy!


Thanks to Eric, Sylvia, Larry, and Nick!! My Hydration Was 70% overall.

Oh, and this time i used 50% Strong Wholmeal Bread Flour With protein: 13.9.

The rest is All Purpose 11% Protein. The Key to This Airy loaf was the French Kneading, folding, and (2 times preshaping and careful shaping with minimal dough handling)

Contrary to my usual habit of making a soaker the night before, i skipped it with this dough. and Voila! Te best crumb i have had for wholewheat yet!

Thanks to all for the encouragement!

May I pls ask how long do you use the pyrex bowl to cover the loaf and do you use this before it turns brown or after. 

I've made wheat loaf before but it doesn't hava a very crisp crust,  Many thanks.

Hi, jyslouey

In this Loaf, i have placed it for 15 minutes, until the loaf started to turn brown, then i removed it for the remaining 30 minutes, and raised the rack to prevent Charring the bottom of the loaf, as most of the heat in my gas oven comes from the bottom.

With Heated Pyrex, you ensure and even baking all round your loaf. Crispy crust depends on the following factors:

1 - Well developed Gluten via Kneading / French fold, until dough is silky smooth and passes window pane test.

2 - Preshaping, allowing to rest Preshaping, allowing to rest again, and then final shaping.

this way a thin skin is formed on the loaf which hanges over airy fermented loaf, which translates into a crispy crust.



One thing I forgot to ask what would 70% hydration ratio be  in terms of water in oz/ml, assuming I'm using 150grm ww + 150grm AP flour.  based on your recipe.  I don't think you mentioned the total amount of flour you used for your loaf.

Thanks Mebake

Thank you so much for the tips and I do apologise for the long silence as I have been taken ill for quite a few days.  I have recently bought a Staub 22cm cocotte which I think I can use for baking bread as well.  I shall def. try out your method as well as using the dutch over to see how it turn out.  This method can be applied to most breads (not sweet one though).  I'm just a novice and can just about make an olive loaf or wheat bread w/caraway seeds. I can use this method too if I want the crust to be really crispy?  Thanks. 

I really love this website and there's so much to learn.

Jyslouey, 300g overall flour weight X 70% = 210g Water (7.4 Ounces). I don't have a conversion criteria for grams to litres, sorry.

I don't remember the recipe myself, but it is from Hamelman's BREAD.
