I'm waiting with bated breath to see what happens when the dough is allowed to rise too much.
I make a standard white loaf of plain bread - virtually the french bread recipe but just done in a pan instead.
This morning instead of the first rise lasting two hours max it went for four or five hours.
When I tipped it out it was cold, wet and slimy on the bottom, though dry on the top and firm and normal feeling in the centre, i.e. in the mass, in the bulk.
So I reworked it a bit in my hands, folding it over and over and then stuck it in the baking tin for a second rise - what else could I do - just throw it away?
This has never happened before. I've had bread rise much longer than it should but never got this result, this wet sliminess.
What's going to happen? what's the betting? It'll rise a second time or not? If it rises and I bake it will it be palatable or not?
Was there anything I could have done about it?
Baking when overproofed ends with a brick. Re-working the dough gives you a finer crumb but it will rise again. It could be pale by the end of the bake so don't pay too much to the color and bake as usual. I might be tempted to lightly oil or brush the surface with melted butter while it's rising to improve the color while baking.
Betts? I bet it tastes really good!
Abrogard, I have often left dough to rise for much longer than the recipe requires, and it has seemed a bit slimy. I always punch it down and leave it to rise, again, rather than through it away. After all, unless you are baking for something specific, you only lose the time...worst case scenario, you start again and end up with two loaves. I am new to this game, however, so I guess I am still in the 'practising' stage.