High and dry...

Profile picture for user wassisname

...in the eastern Sierra of California.  I started baking a year or so ago just wanting to go DIY on family pizza night, then gave in completely to the slippery slope.   From there it was a quest for really good, simple 100% whole grain breads that no one around here bakes consistently.  Now I'm obsessed with the idea of making sourdough... everything (could I patch drywall with this stuff?  Hmmm...).  Especially love all the pics on this sight!

Glad you're here! I too am obsessed with 100% whole grain breads, especially rye and whole wheat. Much prefer the sourdough flavor, to the point that I almost don't like the taste of yeast breads anymore. I also started with DIY pizza.

Not sure about patching drywall with starter but I'm thinking that might be a waste of perfectly good starter? I give excess to my spoiled rotten dogs to seed their tummies with good bugs. They think it's the best tasting thing this side of steak.