Last week's bake


Doing some baking experiments with portugese sweet bread from "Advanced Bread and Pastry" book. This bake, I could of waited an additional hour or so but was pressed for time. The dough can triple+ in size during it's final proof. I filled these bread with ghiridelli chocolate chips and walnuts. Next bake, I will proof more and add more chocolate! The topping is some pearl sugar.



These baguettes are from "Bread"; the poolish version. I made some mistakes during the shaping. These are 12ozs and could barely fit on my baking stone. This weekend, going to try 10ozs.



koloatree, I like your thinking. "Next time add more chocolate". Nice post and your baguettes look great to me. Nice ears and expansion.


You are being hard on yourself - those look good to me.  If your baking stone is like mine - about 16" in length, then you would do well to go with 10 oz baguettes.



Gread variation on the Portugese sweet bread!