I am the recipe from the secret of a jewish baker for rye bread . I made it two times ,the first time the sides spilt ,I thought that I didn't slash it deep enough , so the next time i slashed much deeper, & the bottoms cracked . I got raves on the taste but they were ugly. any idea what I'm doing wrong
thanksfile:///Users/larrymulvihill/Desktop/IMG_0206.JPG I tried to post pictures ,I don't it worked
Hi, klmeat.
This is a common problem with rye bread of this type. It is caused by oven spring that is too vigorous combined with a weak spot in the loaf.
Try to form the loaves with a good gluten sheath - no weak spots on the sides, and proof the loaves more fully before baking.
thanks david ,i'll try increasing my proofing time . I mixed by machine so the gluten should have been developed larry