no-knead bread in progress, slow or go??


I'm trying no-knead bread for the first time, using the sourdough variation I found at Breadtopia. It sounds so easy (and it is), but I'm one of those bakers who is always wondering if I'm doing it right. My dough has been sitting for about 12 hours now at 70 degrees, and it looks ready to me. Bubbly on top, and nice strand development. Perhaps I should go on to the next step, or perhaps I should follow the 18-hour instructions and ... what ... allow more flavor to develop? more later.


It does look like you could run with it now, but if you aren't in a hurry I say let it go a bit longer. Or do it now this time and give it the full 18 hours next time. What is it... about 7 cents worth of salt and flour? Experiment.

Good advice Floydm; with the sourdough starter, I'm not even paying for yeast!  And I like to experiment.

In reply to by slothbear

How was it?