shocking video!!


Hi folks, it's a long time since I wrote my last post....from i got the link of a shocking video! in youtube you just have to digit: michael voltaggio makes bread in the microwave..At first I was speechless, now I feel very sad and even a bit insulted : you can be an amateur or a pro, but if you bake it's because you have passion, soul and love for this ! Newbies home bakers might think making a good loaf is easier than in the true life! If Saint Honore, the baker's saint could say something, what do you think he'd say?

I wait for your reaction and wish happy baking to everyone! Cheers from Quito.Paolo

A good friend of mine used to cook in a rock wall using the natural indentation in that wall as an oven.  As a professional chef he had cooked in all sorts of situations but I really liked the rock wall.  My point is that I am a fan of almost any heat source that can be harnessed for baking and cooking.  There is one exception to that, the microwave.  I do not own one and will not eat food that has been in one.

The technique in the video is very clever but not something that I would do and I doubt the palatability of that bread after 30 minutes.


I like creativity and am always open to new ideas.  In fact, I thought it was very clever and interesting.  I like to play with food to see what I can do with it.  Now I know I could bake some quick bread in the microwave that's edible LOL.  Honestly, it doesn't look like something I would be eating all the time.  But I wouldn't mind trying this method out just for the heck of it. 


For the video.  Yeast free brioche, Crust free brioche.  Which in all reality is a oil free Microwave cake:

We were once playing with the fantasy of CO2 injected bread, or were we?  Something the Russians were doing long ago.   It wouldn't be hard to put sourdough in that can or would it clog the nozzle.  Think of what one could do with discards!  Would there be a possibility to torch on a crust?  Can the idea be used for pancakes?  Right into a hot pan?  I think the eggs play a vital role.  Could it work with lean breads?  I have just such a kitchen toy in Austria... I do like a roasted crust.  The wheels are turning again.


edit... the kitchen "toy" would be the whip cream bottle using CO2 cartridges.   (I see it's made in Austria.)  There is a chocolate cake recipe for a one cup cake out there as well but might be improved with this cartridge method.   Perforation of the paper cup, very interesting, reduces the condensation of water between the cake and cup.  I agree the cake falling out of the cup reminded me of the slime playtoys that drop out of their containers in a similar fashion.  (Bad film choreography.)   Microwave bakes but has difficulty with browning.   Once the object to bake looses moisture, it stops baking... 

Induction ovens would be the next interesting way to bake bread.  Anyone seen anything?  These things start off with crazy ideas and blossom as ideas get put together and improved.   Little birds tell me it's in the works.

Missing crust and lacking fermentation, that is the major objection here with this method for lean breads.


not being open minded....i' dont remeber playing with the toy you mention, Mini, (perhaps did' not arrive to Italy) but actually i saw Here in Ecuador some ads about similar ones enabling a child to make pizza or icecream...this is not the point: if by mean of a toy you approach a child to the world of kitchen...WONDERFUL!  But a CHEF pretending being a masterchef and selling that kind of product pretending it is something it is not in his restaurant? I have a stange feeling when I see "pizzas" with slicesof pinapple or read, among the ingredients of of a sourdough starter , yeast That's very, very me,  a pro, should not cheat his customers, worse if he is the owner of his restaurant! Ok, gotta go now, a long day of hard working is awaiting me. Especially to those who can have a relaxing weekend, happy baking. Cheers from Quito.

You know that video was interesting but I don't know microwave and baking don't mix in my book.

I am always amazed by the laziness of our societies. This reminds me of the pancakes in the can I just saw the other day.  Pancakes in a whip cream can.  Shake and spray.  Just how lazy can you get.  why not just pull out the pancakes from the box and put them in the microwave then throw the lot of preservatives and stuff at your kids. Better yet just go to McDonald's then someone else can do the dishes as well.

With that said...cheese in a can is called Processed cheese foods, not cheese.  I think calling the microwave bread, bread is a far cry from reality perhaps it should be called Processed bread food or something.

Sorry for the rant.

The chef in this video says his 'brioche' has a nice, 'spongy' texture to it.  Unfortunately, the texture of a brioche should not be 'spongy'.  Feathery?... Yes.  Spongy?... Non (as the French would say).  His 'brioche' looks more like foam insulation that was shot out of an air gun.  Microwaving real bread is just about the worst thing you can do to it.  Professor Andrew Ross over at Oregon State University has a really interesting blog post on why that is:



It kills me the face of the child when she realizes her mom is a COMPLETE tool!

That's the one I was talking about. I guess that's even easier than the pancakes that you add water to the line  on the plastic jug shake and pour.  Now it's only shake and squirt.

My question is Batter Blaster claims to be organic...Is Nitrous oxide considered organic?