How do YOU use this forum?


I'm fairly new to bread making, so I was delighted to find this forum. After signing up I was amazed at how many folks are actively posting here and at the sheer volume of subjects and threads. After reading a few threads that looked intersting I started to search for posts that gave advice to newbies like me. My introdiction post is slowly turning into a sort of blog, and I have read many of the previous posts of the lovely folk who welcomed me and offered advice in that thread. I also like to look at the photos of other folks creations, it gives me something to aspire to.

I've had to reasure myself that it's ok not to read every post and am currently picking my way around the forum looking for items that interest me. How do You use this forum?

I look at TFL as a community. We can meet our e-friends here to see and hear what they're up to these days. There's a library's worth of information in all the threads that are stored in the archives. I get ideas for recipes and encouragement from other members. I don't feel guilty at all for visiting TFL. It's much better than "reality TV" though too much enthusiasm can devestate one's waistline if you're not careful.

to learn and share what I know. I started baking bread when I was a little girl but have not been serious unitl 2 years ago so there is lots for me to learn. It's fun.

is the only reason I got past my first loaf.  Were it not for these incredible people I would have thrown up my hands and never tried the second one.  Now, if I do say so myself I'm getting pretty good.
