Bowery Restaurant supply stores Field trip

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

After work on Friday I took a walk to the Bowery. Four blocks both sides of the street of stores filled with commercial cooking supplies. First I just walked in and out of the stores drooling at the huge mixers, stoves and ovens. There was this one pizza oven that really made me drool. I don't know how the proprietors would react but next time I would love to take some photos to share with you guys. Anyway I was like a kid in a candy store. I picked up a few things all at good prices. 1/2 sheet pan $6.00, fermenting containers with covers $12.00 & 14.00. what i really went to find was a flour dredge. $1.50 ea. I have to say life is good when such a simple thing like a walk on the Bowery can bring such a smile to my face.

Last time I went to the bowery I saw perforated metal baguette pans for three baguettes that would fit in my oven. I hit so many places and only saw the big ones. Oh well I should have brought it when I saw it. You should have seen me using sign language to show the store keeps what I was looking for. LOL So I guess we are neighbors?

I found these last night from a link in a post here they were cheep enough so i brought 2. After your coment about the perferated ones I am glad I did.

from a post I saw on TFL. They were cheep enough so I brought two. After you coment on the pererated ones I am glad I did.