NY Times bread, or as my wife calls it "Kneadless Bread"


So, I've talked alot about making this bread in previous posts on the original thread but have not documented the experience as yet in photos. So here goes:

3 cups casually measured AP flour + 2 T rye flour (i read somewhere that it enhances the flavor)

1 1/2 t salt

1/4 t active dry yeast disolved in 1 5/8 cup purified water

Oven at 475, baking vessel pre-heated. Baked covered 30 mins, uncovered 15.

1. What I call the biscuit stage-- all the ingredients are dumped in the bowl, mixed just enough to bring it together:


2. 18 hours later:

Those yeasties have been busy-- love the pressure buble on the plastic wrap:

The Fold (actually I folded it twice in 15 min intervals):

3. The oval platter for rising and the oval clay covered roaster:

3. Shaped and put on the platter for final rise:

4. 3 Hrs 15 Mins later (running erands). Apparently there is no such thing as over-proofing?:

5. Fresh out of the oven:

6. Side view, nice oven spring. It's about 4.5 ":

7. Top View:

8. Network of fine cracks on the bottom:

9. Crumb:

Absolutely beautiful pictures!!

Thanks for taking the time to share them with us.

 I have never seen a pressure bubble before..wow!! 

Thanks Bean, I'm having a lot of fun with this method (as are countless others apparently!)  I guess I'm going to have to wake up the old sourdough culture thats been sitting in my fridge and try a natural leaven version.  Have you tried a sour dough yet?

It was actually the quest for a SD starter that got me baking a few weeks ago. I do not bake during the heat of summer here in southern mexico. The kitchen temps reach 44C without the oven on!!

In the end, I decided to scrape the starter and experiment with other types of bread..cottage loaf, and mainly the NYT article.

I am also travelling up to canada in a weeks time and cannot imagine my hsuband feeding somethingin a jar in the fridge..he has enough on his hands with two dogs and three cats. 

How about you, whatis your SD "status"? 

Bean, I have a batch 1/3 way through the 18 hour sit period.  I'm a little concerned because it is easy enough to control the amount of yeast when using active dry, but I have no idea how that translates to my SD starter.  I used about a cup of SD starter to 3 cups AP + 1/3 cup Rye.  My worry is that I'll have too much natural yeast and it will over ferment.  I'll see tomorrow... (meanwhile I put the bowl  in a larger bowl in case of over flow)