todays bake


hi everyone.

i baked 2 1.5lb sourdough loaves. i was a bit off on my proofing scedule by a few hrs! btw, does anyone know how to achieve caremelization color? my bread comes out with a dark brown as suppose to golden brown. could it be an access of flour i used to dust the loave and peel? could it be from not using enough steam? my cast iron sizzles intensly for about a minute before it goes to a really slow simmer. for the bread, due to my unknowing scedule, i did a long first proof that lasted 18hrs @ ~45 degrees. in that time the bread almost tripled in volume. afterwards i shaped and then baked after the bread increased volume by 60%. i took some dough and placed it in a little tube shaped container; marked the levels, and waited for the dough to reach ~60-80% of its size. i did so to help with guessing when to bake. is my theory correct? i also did no fold and shaping.


this is a photo of the same bread recipe we baked at KA institute. it has a nice golden tan; a look i am trying to replicate.


below is a pic of the BBA poor mans brioche baked in a pop over pan. i was pretty happy with the results compared to my 1st attempt paper weights i baked last week.*is the outer layer suppose to be somewhat crisp? the insides were nice and fluffy.

the left is JH dinner roll and the right is the poor mans brioche shaped to be a hamburger roll.


your breads look good to me but i can't answer your questions because I have not done any sourdough breads (i'm starting next year!).

i liked your poor man's brioche, which I will do for the holidays!

nice work!

The bread from the KA Institute looks fantastic!  They are soooo beautiful!  And the slash, and the blisters, and I"m sure they taste great.  I want to learn how to make it.  May I know the name of this bread?

