Salt Free BarleyBread Machine Bread


I forgot to add salt to a Barley Bread recipe that I made up.  I was worried about an oversized Yeasty bread, or a Bread that had not formed correctly.  My internet research led me to sites that advised on not cutting out salt, as it regulates the yeast activity and helps form the bread.


None of this advice was true.  I suspect that the advice served to sell salt.  Other than being a little bland tasting, nothing was wrong with the Bread.  It formed and rose normally.

I love the forum as well.  It is a good place to share ideas and get advice.

I figured out one interesting thing.  As long as I use a little more than 50% All Purpose Flour, I can add any type of Flour and make a decent bread.  It always helps to add an egg and 2 to 3 tablespoons of Vital Wheat Gluten.