It's happened again.. Can anyone enlighten me as to why when baking two Sourdough loaves at a time one of them comes out beautifully and the other like a brick?
It's happened to me twice now, I follow the Bertinet Sourdough method pretty much and it's been fine in my gas oven at home. But since a friend let me use his electric oommercial oven in his restaurant the results have not been eratic. I'm using the same method temp' and everything.
help please!
Are you rotating the bread while baking at home? Home ovens typically heat uneven and that's why you are seeing better results in a nicer commerical oven, it's going to heat up and cook evenly.
Next time at home try rotating the loaves 180 degrees and perhaps flip-flopping the loaves so they trade spots.
Just my thoughts, I hardly ever bake two at once : /
and thanks for yor response, I think I didn't make myself clear in my earlier post, actually I have the opposite problem, when baking at home it comes out fine, though not so evenly baked as in the pro' oven, but it rises well and yes i do rotate them every five minutes. The problem is the commercial oven I've been using doesn't seem to get as good results, especially when baking two at a time, one comes out perfectly, the other flat and dense. I'm doing everything the same way.. James