SP5 Spiral Mixer

Profile picture for user Yippee

Hi, all:

There were a couple of discussions at the forum about the above mixer.   There's no doubt about the functionality and durability of this machine since users have given rave reviews about its performance. However, in one of the discussions, Susan@wildyeastblog brought up a point about its weight and the non-removable bowl and hook which make cleaning difficult.  I understand the weight is needed to stabilize the machine while it's at work, but together with the non-removable bowl/hook set up, I can't picture myself, who have serious back and hip conditions, dragging it across the counter to the sink for cleaning.  For those of you who have owned the same machine, would you please share your cleaning experience?     Also, if you could shed some light on how this machine handles relatively light weight(say, 500g - 1000g) dough, I'd appreciate it.  Thank you in advance for your input.
