Hello from Ohio


Greetings from the Buckeye state. I have been baking bread for a long time and this site is amazing in all the wonderful recipes it has! Truely inspiring.

I live in a small town, single, raising my grandson (7) on my own and have been selling baked goods at our local farmer's market. Bread seems to be a big hit and I am always looking for new tastes and takes on this staple of life to sell at my stand or share with friends.


And Good luck with your endeavors.  Sounds like you have a helper too!  Good Luck for the school start. :)



Glad you found The Fresh Loaf, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. I'm from Ohio too, Medina County. What farmer's market do you sell at?


Have fun visiting this site.



In reply to by weavershouse

Thanks for the welcome. I live in a small town called Yellow Springs. We have a farmers market on Thursday afternoon on the south end of town and then another one in the center of town on Saturday morning. I haven't tried the Thursday one yet but am going for the first time this week. It's a lot of fun.


Hi, Chrissy,

I am newer than you are so I feel a little silly offering a 'welcome', but I happened to notice you live in Yellow Springs, and I just wanted to say what a neat little town YS is!  I can just picture you selling your bread on market days (with your junior helper, of course) and I look forward to hearing more about your enterprise. 

We live in Cincinnati, but drive up your way to indulge ourselves at The Winds Cafe, which by the way, for anyone else reading this, has very nice bread for sale in their bakery and a fine wine list in their shop if you feel like browsing after your meal.  Chrissy can tell you more about The Winds and other interesting things about YS than I can of course.

So, again, Hello!  (-:  Judy


Welcome Judy,

I grew up in Cincinnati although Yellow Springs has been my home now off and on for nearly 35 years. It is a unique little town.

I have been having a lot of fun selling stuff at the farmer market and the bread goes faster than I can make it. Till now I have been mostly selling dinner rolls and pita pockets but after being given a gift of some very fine old sourdough starter I am now working on sourdough breads. Baguettes for all !

We are having our annual fall Street Fair on October 10th and although I won't be selling that day because too much family comes in you can bet there will be plenty of good eats ! Try the Emporium for fine homemade breads. Theirs is excellent!
