Rookie from Oxford UK


Hi everyone :)

I'm a French girl living in Oxford, England. I love baking even though I fail more than not ;) I love baking bread and have just a bit of experience. It's so easy and satisfying and even I can't mess it up!

I found The Fresh Loaf when I was looking at tips for trying my hand at sourdough bread baking. My starter is bubbling away happily on my desk as I type this. Can't wait for it to be ready to use!


bonjour et viens d' apprendre que tu est française...une occasion pour faire un peu d' exercise!! Je me trouve de l' autre côté de l' atlantique...j' habite en Equateur depuis 21 ans mais je crois être la personne qui boulange avec du levain!! Thefreshloaf est un site fantastique, il ya toujours quelqun prét por un conseil, un autre site trés bon est baking and happy day!! Paolo

I think you will find baking sourdough bread most satisfying.  However, it does require a good deal of patience, more so than bread made with commercial yeast.  Your sourdough starter will not have developed its full flavor for about two months, but will be useable in about ten days.  Have patience, don't become discouraged, have fun, and enjoy the experience and the taste.


"I love baking even though I fail more than not ;)"

Don't look on this as failure, rather consider it as baking a different bread from the one you started out on! If the worst comes to the worst, consider using them as house bricks.

Seriously, welcome to TFL neighbour.

I too have been trying to bake sourdough for about 3-4 months with varying degrees of success. I've had several problems including loaves that wouldn't hold their shape and ended up like thick pancakes (solved by baking them in a tin) and too sour bread caused by long fermentation times. I'm still working on it.
