Further improvements on my white bread included three changes.
1.) Salt-less autolyse period
2.) Decreased amount of preferment
3.) Decreased hydration
Because an autolyse is meant to increase extensibility, salt would be a bad addition, this would counter the decrease in extensibility of a drier dough. However, I should be able to score these loaves because they are drier.
Purpose: To improve on a sandwich loaf with good crumb and flavor.
100% Bread Flour (13.5 oz)
66% Water (9.0 oz)
0.8% Instant Yeast (0.11 oz)
1.33% Salt (0.18 oz)
Day 1-preferment
6.750 oz Bread Flour
9.000 oz Water
0.055 oz Instant Yeast
All the water is combined with half the flour and half the yeast and fermented for an hour, then retarded overnight in a refrigerator.
Day 2-main dough
6.7500 oz Bread Flour
0.0550 oz Instant Yeast
0.1800 oz Salt
15.805 oz Preferment
Autolyse- Combined the preferment with the flour and autolyse for 20 minutes.
Knead in the yeast and salt, and developed
Bulk Fermentation- 45 minutes at room temperature
Folded the dough
Secondary Fermentation- 45 minutes at room temperature
Divided the dough into two pieces, shaped them into batards.
Final Proof- 60 minutes
- Preheated oven to 450F after 30 minutes
- Scored loavves, filled slashes with sesame oil before the loaves went into the oven.
- The fermentation was too quick. I can easily cut the yeast to stretch out the fermentation.
- If I quarter the amount of yeast, the fermentation should take 3 hours, a more reasonable time.
- It wasn't as difficult to knead in ingredients after the gluten was developed as I had thought.
- It was possible to score the loaves, 66% hydration is a good number, but it can still go higher I feel.
- Sesame oil is a good addition in terms of fragrance and flavor. It isn't too powerful.
- I need to work on the volume.
- I must shape the loaves to maximize surface tension
- Slashing the sides may improve volume
- less yeast, or several folds to slow down the yeast
- experiment with increased hydration, return to 70%.
- GabrielLeung1's Blog
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