A Tucsonan joins the crowd


Hi Everyone - I've been lurking around the site for quite a while and decided to join in the fun. I love to bake and my newest endeavor is into the world of artisan breads. I've got a starter going and hope to make my first loaf this weekend. I've exhausted every quick bread and yeast bread recipe... so time for an adventure. Thanks for all the posts - I've really enjoyed them!

Wow!  Wouldn't I like to go to Tuscany someday.  We sell a Tuscan melon, when we can get them, at Whole Foods......it's the best Musk Melon we sell, when it's available....and that is saying a lot because our Texas Pecos Cantaloupes are really good.  I'm inspired to make "Tuscan Bread" from Bread Baker's Apprentice.....does real Tuscan bread have no salt?  The recipe also begins with a Flour Paste the day before....should be interesting.

My passport is ready for Tuscany which is in Italy - alas - I am in Tucson which is in Arizona United States. I love it here very much, but I also have a wandering heart. I guess that is why I love to cook and bake from around the world - give it a taste (haha) without the cost of travel. Yesterday I did order the two Italian sourdough starters from Sourdough International. Will let y'all know how they taste in a month or so!! Thanks for the reply. Blessed baking to everyone!!

I also would love to travel to Tuscany (I've already been to Tucson).

Welcome to the Forum, you'l find lots of friendly, helpful people who share your bread obsessions.

Good luck with that first loaf from your 'homegrown' starter. If you're like me, you'll eventually end up dedicating an entire shelf in the fridge to various concoctions and consistancies of sourdough starters. Let us know how your bread turns out.

BTW - Are you sure its not Tucsoner, or Tucsonite, or Tucsonian? (just kidding!)

Scott (Phxdog)

The starter I have is not truly 'homegrown' - it is from the family that distributes the Oregon sourdough online. I'm not sure what we have here in the high desert. Tucson is about 2500-2700 feet high and surrounded by four mountain ranges (one is pretty small and low). I know there has to be something, but I am going to wait until the rainy season (July - August) and see what I capture then. Right now I'm going to take this white dough starter and start to mix in some whole wheat in one jar and rye in another and see what happens.

And yes... it IS Tucson-an.... we ain't that fancy out here... western rebels and all!!

Anita (cooknhotnaz)