Cinnamon SD bagels


In PR's BBA, he says to increase the yeast in the final dough to 1 tsp for cinnamon bagels instead of the ½ tsp in the plain bagels.  In his commentary about the sourdough bagels, he says to increase the final dough yeast to 1½ tsp, but this is for the plain bagels.  Mine will be sourdough and cinnamon, so shouldn't I increase the yeast even more?  I don't really know how to figure or guestimate this.  Help, please.  I'm set to make them tomorrow. 



Thanks Allen.  PR says to replace the sponge stage (1 tsp instant yeast, 4 C high gluten flr and 2½ c water) with 5 C of a barm starter.  After increasing the yeast in the final dough from ½ tsp to 1½ tsp, he says to proceed per the instructions.  Since I'm combining the two variations, thereby compensating for the rise inhibiting cinnamon plus the slower rise sourdough, I think I'll go to 2 tsp, and see what happens.
