I know I ask a lot of questions!!
I am trying to improve the grigne on my loaves, but I realized that I don't know what a "good" one actually looks like. I personally like a little bit of a ragged look, but not so ragged that it looks like a mistake. I like to see some of the hole structure, and for there to be some color contrast between the scoring area and the rest of the crust. Are these indicators of a "proper" grigne? If not, what should I be striving for, aesthetically?
Hi, DrPr.
The "proper" grigne is the one that you like best. Here are some samples:
Yes, I believe I'd have to agree that it's the one you like best.
Here's an assortment of some of mine (just click on the thumbnail to enlarge) and, the one I like "best" depends on the style/type of bread I'm making: