Look what I found!


Although I have been dabbling in bread for a little while, I still consider myself to be a newbie. The concept of a dough scraper is fairly new to me. I thought this would be a great tool to have, but I have laminate countertops. A metal scraper would be death for them. I have been using the biggest rubber spatula I have instead.

After searching in several stores, including specialty cooking stores I had no luck in finding a rubber/palstic version of a scraper. A search of the internet turned up one or two, but by the time you add shipping, it became less appealing. I resigned myself to using the spatula. Since I don't bake that much bread, it did not seem to be a very big deal.

On a trip to Wal-Mart of all places, I noticed a new Wilton section in the utensil area. A cake lifter caught my eye. Then I found a metal dough scraper. Shortly after, there it was... a plastic one. Somehow it fell into my cart. At $6, I thought I could justify the price.

My new toy made it home and I got a chance to use it making gooey cinnamon rolls. It was well worth the price. For those of you who are concerned about the surface of your countertops, this is a must have item. I am glad I found it. Maybe you need one too.

that works is in the paint section of walmart. PLASTIC Dry wall scrapers work very well too and cost even less.

Plastic ones..use it only for cleaning off the counter...not for folding your dough.

Guess I should have been more specific ...

Profile picture for user mredwood

If you are only scraping your counter tops any old scraper will do. If you are going to use it on your dough please use only food grade plastic scrapers. Too many carcinogenic chemicals in non food grade. Even at that remember the chemical scare months back with the water drinking bottles.

mredwood, you are absolutely right! Same thing with brushes to baste (ie bbq sauces, etc) NEVER use one of those small paint brushes!!
Profile picture for user flournwater

I bought a moderately large size food grade nylon bowl/counter dough scraper at my local kitchen shop for $1.99  -  now that's a bargain.

I have to agree with the comments on using only food grade utensils. We put way too much bad stuff into our bodies. As much as I would like to be resourceful and save some money, using the wrong material is not the way to to do it. I will stick with the scraper I bought. If you are O.K. with putting unknown substances into your food, I guess that is your business. (At least until you get sick, then everybody pays.)

By the way, I was at Wal-Mart last night and guess what they were out of.
