Gluten and protein contents


I'm using Progressive Baker bread flour by Horizon Milling.  I bought it in a 50# bag, and there is no information on the bag about protein or gluten content, except the list of nutritional info for 1 cup of flour.  It says one cup has 12 g of protein.  How do I figure it all out.   

I can get King Arthur Special - Unenriched bread flour from this same source.  Would that be a better over all choice?  I also have whole wheat and rye flours (50# each), so I don't want but one kind of other bulk flour.  The space thing is killing me.  Thanks for your advice.


Thanks for the link, Ddraig.  I'm a little confused about their listings.  After protein (14%) it lists 11.5 under "Standard."  So, does it have 14% or 11.5% protein?  Sorry, I'm trying to figure it out, but......

Also, would spring wheat flour be a better all-around flour than this bread flour?  It seems to have high gluten and protein.