ice-cubed starter

Profile picture for user Jw

A few weeks ago I asked around at TFL if I could freeze my starter. Thanks for the all the tips: I turned half of the starter into ice cubes, left the other half in the fridge. The result: the icecubed starter needed some awakening (feeding for 2-3 days). It has a stronger taste then the starter I put in the fridge. Both as still very useable.

A first result with the icecubed yeast: spelt-honey-SF style (and extra honey on top). It all looks a bit pale, but that is not yeast related. Great sauer taste, a bit stronger that the mother-starter (which just needs more time to get tastier, eg. overnight).

A first result with the started I saved in the fridge, with 'line seed'? Flax?. Saved in a typical breadbox.

On this SF style bread you don't need any butter, just this 'stroop' (like solid apple syrup).

We have been away on a holiday to Sweden. No need to bake bread there... Look up baker Flink when you make it to Enkoping. Great bread.

Greatest surprise when we got to our cottage: it had a real wooden oven in the garden.
No time for that during the holiday. If you ever need a baking vacation!

That's what I would call happy baking!



I love visiting new bakeries when I travel!  We're going to England in June and I fully intend to freeze my starter.  Thanks for sharing your results!


Pamela, I think it is a typical (metal) breadbox. I remember we had one at home as well. Unfortunately we use it ... for our mail. Only once a while I will put our bread in it (when I bake too much).


Congratulations!  You're in first place for summer 2009 for making a "summer" pun.  It happens every year and you're actually early - a preseason winner!

Though I couldn't read the language, the pictures of your vacation spot look beautiful.  Not as well photographed as the pictures you took of your bread, however!  We won't be in one place in England long enough to really be able to settle in and do our own baking but I intend to post another one of my bakery recommendation requests for some of the regions that we will be visiting as soon as I can get DH to provide me with the itinerary.
