Mark's Ciabatta

Profile picture for user Cooking202

I made Mark's Ciabatta today and it was absolutely wonderful.  I would post pictures, but I haven't figured out how to upload them.  I couldn't wait for it to cool, had to have a piece buttered right out of the oven. it made 4 loaves and I think my nephew is polishing off most of them as I type.  It didn't look as pretty as many I have seen here, but it made me proud.  I loved the folding technique and this will definitely be added to my weekly baking efforts. 

Thanks again Mark.


After restiing covered with a tea towel on the counter overnight, things had changed quite a bit, crust  had not softened any, but was rather tough and hard to chew.  The crumb is great and taste great.  I have watched Mark's video so many times, you would think I could make it in my sleep, but I think I ended up with my dough to slack and I was afraid to try and mix in more flour at that stage.  My crystal ball tells me that there is a lot of practice in my future...YUM!
