Has anyone ever made anything like the Pretzel-thins at Trader Joes or the old snack, Mr. Phipp's Pretzel chips? I love dipping them in salsa, but I feel like I should be able to make it at home.
I've tried making them by using a preztel recipe and rolling out the dough, but they still puffed up enough that they weren't crunchy. I've also tried a lavash cracker (a la Reinhart) and then put it in a baking soda solution prior to baking, but the results were less than satisfactory.
I'm planning on doing a bit more of a rigorous experiment to make these, but I thought I would ask the collective wisdom of TFL before I got too far along. I'm thinking that my next attempt will use baking soda rather than yeast. Thanks all!
They turned out like those big, Bavarian hard pretzels - so maybe they'll work?
I've tried Alton Brown's hard pretzel recipe and those were closer than my first few attempts, but I think I'm still missing something--perhaps I need to try to roll the dough through a pasta roller to get them thin enough...
Seeing your post earlier today is what made me think of the crisps again--I meant to leave a note on your post telling you that you inspired me to break my starter out of hibernation and get ready to make some new pretzels. They looked mighty tasty indeed.
They softened a bit once they'd cooled all day. Still crunchy outside though. It occurred to me that you could try getting them SUPER thin by running them through a pasta roller instead of only as thin as you can get with a rolling pin, as you say. I was thinking about that earlier this evening! Surely if they're -that- thin, any puffing they do will be more like a pita air bubble than anything offering room for a chewy center.
Try saying that 3 times fast. Hey I have been wanting to make my crackers with a pasta roller for a long time but I haven't made crackers for a long time. I also make tortillas which have a large amt of shortening and a small amt of baking powder. I would try your best recipe with very little yeast, possibly a smidge of baking powder, very little or no oil. Run through the pasta machine & cooked a little hot but not too long. Then a glaze or not and rebaked to dry out like a biscotti. Have you checked the TJs box for the list of ingredients just in case they put in something odd and wonderful? I am dreaming of pretzel thins with rye and a dash of caraway powder (not enough to notice) and maybe an italian style to used with a sweet red pepper dip. Oh my sounds good. I hope you make your recipe available to us.
Thanks Mariah