Received my first order


Remember I mentioned some friends from work and school asked for my breads?  I received my first order this weekend.  Two dozens of muffins and two medium sourdough WW sandwich loafs.  The muffins were done this morning and the breads are now in the oven.  I won't be making much money off this but I enjoy the fact that people like my breads enough to pay for them.  Also, I will get enough money back to allow me experiment with different things.  I am very excited about this.   

I've had that happen to me too, and it is thrilling when you realise that people are willing to pay for your bread.  Congratulations!

Thank you PaddyL!  I was so excited that I didn't sleep much last night.  Since I was doing sourdough I had to time myself perfectly to use the oven because my husband wanted to roast a chicken today.  It turned out he cut his finger while chopping onion so I ended up roasting the bird as well.  All together I made four loaves of bread, two dozens of muffins and a roasted chickend dinner.  What a day!

congratulations!  it's a good feeling, no doubt.  maybe next time you'll announce you've opened a store!


Thanks both for your kind words.  Opening a store is a long shot but it would be a dream come true.