Hello from Yippee

Profile picture for user Yippee

Hello, dear fellow Fresh Loafers:

I'm a rookie baker who recently joined this community.  As I've gained more confidence in the bread making process during the last two months through experimenting with Asian style sandwich breads, I feel that I'm ready to step up to take on the challenge of artisan bread baking.  I look forward to learning from every experienced baker here and finding another place I can call home outside of my kitchen. Please visit my blog to see my report cards. 


Can't wait to see your sourdoughs.  Have you got a starter started? Maybe that's too big a jump.  What kind of flours do you have available?


Mini Oven:

My starter made from raisins was ready about 4 weeks ago.  However, I've been busy perfecting my sandwich bread recipes to suit everyone's palate (mostly mine) in the house.  Now that I'm ready to move on, I'll definitely get to sourdoughs, after I have my success in poolish/pate fermentee and other various types of baguettes. 

My favorite is KA white whole wheat flour and I find other brands available at Safeway or Wal-mart will also do the job, especially when I'm not particularly picky at a rookie level.  I also shop at Whole Foods, local brewing supply companies and health stores for flours that are not available through Safeway.

Nice meeting you.



Hi Yippee,

LOVE your photo! and your bread (WW sesame) looks great too.  I have been baking since 1972 and I am very impressed with your loaf....I have only been with Fresh loaf only a short while but am having trouble always finding the recipes people post on the "threads".  Did you put the WW sandwich bread up yet?  Can you send the link if you did?


