My mother recently bought a loaf labeled "Pugliese" from a local bakery, and has asked me to try and bake it. I don't have any grandiose notions of matching the bread exactly, but I would like to give it a shot.
In these forums, I have seen a recipe that calls for durum flour and potato water. Elsewhere on the internet, I have seen a fairly straightforward "lean" dough for Pugliese. The common denominator seems to be a high-hydration (70%, maybe?), but not as "holey" as, say, a ciabatta.
So, what exactly is "Pugliese?" Is durum flour necessary? (I'm not sure I can find that easily around here). How is it different from a standard French bread? Any recommended recipes?
Thanks for your help!
Hi Eric,
Check out the recipes on, link below. Durum flour does appear to be a factor in some of the recipes, but it varies between 20 and 50 percent, so I guess it's up to the baker.
Hope this helps,
You might want to check out two recipes in Carol Field's The Italian Baker-
One for Pane Pugliese ( Puglia is the region at the heel of the Italian boot ) which is a high-hydration loaf made with unbleached all-purpose flour. The other is for a Pane Tipo Altamura ( also from Puglia ) but using durum flour. Both breads use a biga .