You are indeed an inspiration

You people of The Fresh Loaf are indeed an inspiration. If a picture is worth a thousand words, yours are gold. Great pictures really do make the hardest task seem easy as  1 2 3, and it is wonderful  now, with the growing number of new bakers to The Fresh Loaf. A what might be lurker, looks on and with  precise instructions coupled with the great photography, they think " even I could do that" . They get in the kitchen, and a lifelong love of baking has begun. Next thing you know, they are searching the wealth of information here, and what was once a kitchen filled with store bought bread and buns, now has Sourdolady's starter bubbling happily away on the cabinet, a miche or two on the cutting board, pillow soft breakfast rolls warm from the oven and the list never ends. Friends drop by for coffee and whatever's warm from the oven and it makes them feel good also. A curiosity has turned into a rewarding adventure, always renewing, always changing. You have always heard that one person can change the world. Baking is like that . You can  inspire lots of people here. Them and their family's and friends have a new and better world because of it, and it continues to spread. So go  get your bake on! Your posts are more important than you know, as is everyone's here. Even the failures provide valuable knowledge. They give courage and ideas how to change for the better. We would have nothing if someone had never said the words " what if...." Thank you to the old pro's here as well as the newbies. Floyd has created us a home, here in the world's kitchen.


What a nice post, Audra. Indeed, Floyd, has provided us with a virtual hearth!


Audra, it's nice to be appreciated. I've only been baking bread for a little over a year, but I truly enjoy sharing what I've learned with others. I try to post pictures often, because they are one of our best teaching tools.

Since you posted such a nice comment, here's the first of today's bread that just came out of the oven, just for you.


The Easter Bread with whole eggs is still in the oven, so it will be a little while til I post that one.



    That is what I'm talking about. You can bet that someones eyes somewhere in the world lit up when they saw your breads just now and thought, I'm gonna' try that. This whole thing started out, I was going to reply and give an atta boy on a particular post. And the more I typed, it just overwhelmed me of how everyone here is such a inspiration. From the masters to the newbies, everyone is welcome. Someones delima makes a light bulb go off in someone clear across the world and they are there to help. Bread with cheese makes someone else think of bacon and cheese and new ideas gain speed as it rolls. It is a fantastic place to be a part of. So keep posting friends, you are what makes the world go round in our circle of friends. Happy Easter to all!