Ok, so here is another experiment. I need to write down what all I put in them. I think it was a box of 9 grain bread mix and hmmmm I wrote this down somewhere. I need to find it. Anyway, Here is the freaky part! I spent two days on these loaves and when it came to to bake them, I almost messed it up really badly. I tossed in some water to create steam [just to be cool of course, because I saw a guy do this on a video lol] and set the timer, well....when I happened to check the oven about 18 minutes later, it wasn't hot! I had tossed in the water and snuffed out the flames AND the pilot light. So I hurried and got it lit, and turnd it back up to five hundred degrees. I was debating on what I should do, both loaves were still in their covered pans. So I baked them for thirty min, covers on, then 20 min covers off. I lucked out. They aren't as pretty as I had hoped, but they taste wonderful! I will not try to be "cool" next time;-)
the end result still looks cool, if that is comforting to you.. You can mess up a bread anywhere along its creation, but not that many bystanders notice that (it the taste is 'good' and it somehow looks 'better then normal'.
I think I recognize the low impact/influence of the steam on the crust here. I started doubling the amount of steam and use that now for pain d'ancienne and pain du provence. Gives me much better crust.
I gave the loaf on the left to a friend, and she said it was really good with the preserves I also gave her.
I think next time I will do the steam, but surely in a pan;-)
nothing wrong with those loaves..very nice. Keep your cool..it works!
If that was only your third loaf, then I agree with Betty!
Thank you guys. You are too kind. It turned out pretty good. I was surprised at how moist the bread was on the inside. It was very soft, but the overall effect still had lots of great crunchiness. I can't wait to get my dark flaxseed order. I used to buy rolls at the bakery in Germany that were covered in flax seeds. Awesome flavor and crunch, and I never knew that is what they were!
I think tomorrow I will try another experiment. I am going to let the bread ferment in the fridge for about 20 hours, then I am going to do the folding technique, then let it rise, then maybe fold again, lol, then put it in some sort of proofing bowl, then I'll bake it.
Bread is so fun to experiment with!