Brazilian Cheese Bread


Hi Everyone,

 last week I was looking for the "Brazilian Cheese bread" recipe and I found it. Now I have different problem,to find flour.They call it "Manioc starch (polvilho doce) and (polvilho azedo) and companies name are:AMAFIL and YOKI. I live Long Island New York and we do not have here any Brazilian speciality store,but large spanish population and they do not carry it.Is any other store which carry that product???  Please, help.


What your looking for is Tapioca flour; made from the root of the manioc or cassava plant.  Hope that this helps.

Tell us how the recipe turns out and better yet pictures if you can. . . ,


Hi Wild-Yeast,

 thank you for your help,but where I can buy it??? I was looking all over Long Island and no store carry it. I try spcialty  and ethnic stores and no luck. I saw on the package was writen english. I went to library and not even they can find.What should I do???


Did you ever find a source for the flour? Bob's Red Mill produces both tapioca flour and cassava flour. They are made from the same plant. I don't know how they are different, but the package of tapioca flour has a recipe for Brazilian cheese bread. 

Whole Foods carries a lot of Bob's Red Mill products. So does Fairway (in the New York tri-state area). 


thank you siuflower and +wild-yeast.I did not knew that that orient store carry that flour,because the recipe say that flour is made in  Brazil that I was looking for Brazilan food market.Thank you soo much for your help.
