I just pulled out my first Reinhart Neo-Neopolitan pizza from the oven. I used the french method for kneading the day before. I left the dough to retard for a day in the fridge. Wow! Bubbly, crisp, with that bubbly edge.....can't wait to taste.
My first question about all this....what's all the fuss with oven temperatures and such. I turned my oven to 545 degrees (as high as it will go), and proceeded to make my pizza. I slid the pizza on the oven stone at about 515 degrees, and the oven came to 545 degrees during the cooking. I couldn't imagine a pizza being more perfectly cooked.....I think it's more in the dough than the oven temperature. I don't think pre-heating for almost an hour is going to improve anything....this pizza is almost perfect.
I don't think it's as glorious as the fellow who made his first sourdough pizza though....wow! That pizza looked better than sex! ! !
Now.....the pizza has rested.....I'm sliding my DVD movie in, and slicing my pizza........Thanks to "The Fresh Loaf".....
Some ovens pre-heat much faster than others. My oven takes nearly 30 minutes to get to 350 degrees (I place a portable oven thermometer on the rack that I'm baking on so I can monitor the temperature). So, the main thing is to know your oven. Preheat for as long as needed to get it to the correct temperature. Preheating for 1 hour is probably just the time needed in the worst case scenario.
I pre-heat my Stone/oven at least 45 mins. with great success on the pizza/crust...I would love to see a pic if you can insert them! I just don't think my crust would be nearly as good...without the stone being fully heated through! I have several pizza pics on my blog if you click on my name..you could veiw a crust picture slice in a 45 min. preheated 550 oven. I sure wish I didn't have to preheat my stone for so long...but my crusts would just not be the same. Same thing with my woodfired oven...it has to be brought up to the right temperature and especially the floor temp. before the pizza will cook properly.