I love "The Fresh Loaf" forum

Yesterday, I baked off the best bread of my life......and it will get better because of all the information I'm soaking up here at "The Fresh Loaf". Today, I started the "Middle Class Brioche" recipe from "The Bread Baker's Apprentice". Because of someone's post, I saw a video of Richard Bertinet at www.gourmet.com that demonstrated making a smooth dough from a rather sloppy sweet dough. I used the technique on my very wet and sloppy brioche dough.....almost lost faith....but it finally came together in a silky smooth dough-it was a little more challenging because I substituted 6 oz. of WW. flour in the recipe. All because of this website! I love this place. I'll be baking my brioche tomorrow 'bread loaf' style. I enhanced the dough with lemon peel, raisins, chocolate chips, and cinnamon (who want's to eat plain ol' brioche)......can't wait to take this to work and share with co-workers. I thank all contributors here at "The Fresh Loaf"....again. Oh.....almost forgot.....I'll be firing up my "Neo-Neopolitan Pizza" from Reinhart's "American Pie" in about an hour....the dough has been in the fridge all night......can't wait, can't wait.....pizza and movie tonight..... Thanks again..... Hmmmm......chocolate brioche?????