Been Here Six Weeks and Baking again!

Profile picture for user cleancarpetman

This site is responsible for getting me back in the kitchen and baking.  I can't thak you Floyd and all the folks on the site enough.  It has been life changing.

My current personal benchmark.



The blob in the middle stuck to the peel and hung over the edge of the baking stone but it baked!



The crumb picture is fuzzy not the bread



THe photos and bread will all get better--I promise.



It looks like you had a great time.  I hope you enjoyed them.  How did they taste?  Did you follow a recipe here or elsewhere?


      I had a ball!!  Only the first time through was anything close to stressful since the learning curve was so steep.  But the second time through I was changing what I knew I needed to change.  I wound up overcorrecting, so the third time I knew that I was nailing it.  In target practice they call it bracketing.  You throw a round short and one long and then adjust to hit the target square on.
     Ah, taste! For me they were beyond the "good bread" I rush out to buy when I have a meal that dictates crusty bread.  I quickly pined for hearty soups, stews, green salads pairing my bread with all manner of dishes can you say, " I still have a little cioppino can you pass me another slice of bread?"
     It is comforting to know I know every ingredient.

I am hooked!!!!






Your loaves look great!  Congratulations on getting started again, doesn't it feel great.

     Thank you for the compliment I appreciated your fougasse early as well.  My first thought was 'you have no idea' how great it feels but the FACT is you do know how good it feels. It is definitely a breakthrough for me.  Truly a quantum leap.  I felt a whole new world open up before me.  I really can't wait to go exploring.  I was inspired by Mark Sinclair's Kalamata Herb loaf and thought about adding garlic and kalamata olives to this dough.  I also want to make ciabatta, foccacia and sourdough and...

   I'm alive, I'm alive.

