Sourdough-buttermilk-oatmeal loaf

After reading Stephanie's blog about using instant oatmeal this morning, I decided to post what my most recent attempt was. I decided to do my 'own' recipe and as the only oatmeal I had on-hand was my son's 'quick cook' oats, I went ahead. I didn't take photos of it rising--just the finished product, 2 days into eating the darned thing. Prior to this, I'd been thinking my starter was pretty bland, taste-wise (I like a good SOUR-TASTING loaf)....but not anymore! HOLEY MOLEY--I have to steel myself before taking a bite! I'm not sure if it's caused I used alot more starter than I usually do, or the addition of the buttermilk--but holey cripes, makes me want-2-pucker-up! the recipe: 2 c plain unbleached white flour 2 c freshly-fed (3 times) starter 4TBL buttermilk powder (yeah, I 'cheat') 1 c warm water 1 tea sea salt 1 tea suger 1 TBL olive oil 1/2 c quick-cook oats Add dry ingredients,(all but oats) mix well, add wet, mix a bit, then add oats, continue to mix till all flour is moistened, let rest (about 5 min). Do 3 fold & stretch over 1/2-2hrs rising time. shape however you want (I used a large loaf pan)and let rise final time, till apx. double in size. Bake @ 325o for 30 min. (I have an older double-oven/range & use the top oven for the bread--it's very small so that's why the low temp & baking times.) It's more dense than my prior loaf--I think I'll cut back to about half the starter, and perhaps half the buttermilk, as well. Tastes pretty good, though! btrmlk oatmeal bread last bit: I know everyone here is big on using weight, etc...but I pretty-much learned to cook by people who'd been at it so long, they could 'eye-ball' just about everything and it would come out the same....every time. So, when it comes to baking, I just like to wing-it. With things I cook all the time, it's very rare I use an actual 'measuring' tool at all--I just eyeball the ingredients, so this is a big deal for me to actually write everything down......and to be truthful, all the talk of 'hydration rates', etc...just makes my brain want to seize-up...but I'm also an old soap & lotions-gal: if this were soap, or other toiletries....I'd be right there with ya-all, with my scale!