This is the first time I have attempted to proof and shape my Italian peasant bread in brotforms. I have made these loaves many times before but have always shaped them on my couche. These are the second loaves I have attempted to score. I did two loaves of sourdough last week and posted those on the site. The recipe I use comes from Bernard Clayton's 1973 edition, The Complete Book of Breads. The crust came out nicely chewy and the crumb was excellent being silky smooth. This is also the first time I used Caputo 00 flour instead of KAF unbleached bread flour. The difference was amazing in texture; nothing against KAF which I will be using in my other breads. My wife was very impressed.
Beautiful breads!
From the color of the crust, they look like they have whole wheat flour as well as the 00. Can you share the formula you use?
A photo of the crumb would be nice to see, too.
Wow...your bread is beautiful..I have 2 questions..
1. Where did you get the brotform (love the design) it difficult to use?
2. Can you share the recipe for this bread? Italian peasant is one my grandmother made all the time and my mom and uncles continue to search for a recipe that matches the wonderful bread that sustained them during the depression...
thanks so much!
No whole wheat. I used Caputo 00 flour and a biga made from KAF Unbleached Bread Flour. The recipe was in Bernard Clayton's 1973 edition, The Complete Book of Breads. I'll get the recipe when I have time because this book is out of print. Great recipe and actually pretty easy with good results. Just time consuming.