Clayton's Breads of France - Piquenchagne - Pear Bread

Profile picture for user trailrunner

One of the lovliest ways to use ripe pears. 

French Pear Bread

I just got that book a few months ago, but your illustrations (wow!) really make me want to try my hand at these two breads.  Beatrice Ojakangas has a pear bread in one of her books that has always tempted me; now I think I'll go back and have a look at the Bernard Clayton!

It is indeed a lovely bread. The shape is so pretty also. I am not familiar with her book but since I have seen it referenced on this forum several times I am going to look for it. Caroline

These are so there much of a pear flavor and maybe next go round you could post a crumb photo...I sure would like a taste of this bread!  Lovely!


there is a slight sweetness and fragrance of pear. I have not taken pictures of "crumb" in the past . Now that I have been coming here to this forum I see that everyone is posting a pic of the crumb. I wiill do so from now on ! Learning new things . c


Thanks for bringing some new ideas to the forum with these lovely loaves.  I really like seeing the crumb and hope you post some crumb photos of your breads in the future.  Anyway, you did a very nice job on these loaves.

I'll have to take a look at Clayton's "Breads of France".  As I mentioned before, I've baked from his New Complete Book of Breads for many's an "old friend" and I really love that book.


I am learning so much here ! I have been reading every day and trying to absorb all of the info here as well as on several of the Blogs...most notably Wild Yeast. She has helped me to understand the baker's %. Also gaaarp has me on my 4th day of growing a starter...and your wonderful encouragement to try more Clayton breads as well as the kind words from so many others...well it is just a great place to be. After over 30 years of baking direct yeast breads I have discovered a whole new world. Thank you and everyone else here. c