sonia101's blog

David's SJSD

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My whole family have voted David's SJ sourdough as the best bread ever! I am so happy I have found my "go to bread recipe". Beautiful flavour, crumb and crust! I followed David's recipe (HERE) the only deviations were,  I use my starter cold from the fridge and I bake my bread in a wet clay Romertopf with a cold oven start. David's recipe and descriptions are fantastic and the dough is a pleasure to work with :-) I have made four loaves in the last few days.



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I just worked out how to resize my photos in my post, no more massive photos (I'm high fiving myself) lol. Is this a new feature or am I slow? lol. Too easy, click on photo, resize and drag :-)


Baked some white 53% hydration bread in my Romertopf, I seriously love how easy it is baking in these pots, love the cold oven starts! So quick and easy :-)


Last weeks baking

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It's freezing in Melbourne so I'm quite content to stay home in the warmth and bake comfort food lol


Sourdough Millers loaf from the Bourke Street Bakery cookbook.


Five Grain Sourdough loaf from The Fundamental Techniques Of Classic Bread Baking, The French Culinary Institute cookbook.


Baking with unfed starter from the fridge

Profile picture for user sonia101


Just wondering if anybody else bakes with unfed starter straight from the fridge? I was finding sourdough was controlling my life and stopped baking, until a friend told me that she bakes with her starter straight from the fridge. Her starter always stays in the fridge and she feeds her starter after a bake and puts it straight back into the fridge .

Roti Bread

Profile picture for user sonia101

I love this take on Roti Bread, love the crispy layer of this bread and it's so much fun to make! 


  • 500g plain flour
  • 1 egg, lightly whisked
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 cups vegetable oil
  • 100g ghee
For instructions watch   Pho's video


Banneton proofing baskets available on eBay Australia and flour supplier in Melbourne

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Just thought I'd share a link because I always have a hard time buying banneton proofing baskets in Australia and when I do find them they are so expensive. I purchased these on Ebay for $13.00 ea with free delivery, they arrived in the mail 8 days later. They have a large range of sizes and I think they deliver free to the States also.

Sweet bread and I need help with sourdough starter

Profile picture for user sonia101

I finally have a sourdough starter again and this time I'm going to dehydrate some before I kill it again! LOL. I've tried google and can't seem to find any answers.....Do I dehydrate it after feeding it or when my starter is at it's peak? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

My take on the classic New Zealand/Australian Pavlova

Profile picture for user sonia101

I love this cake, the crisp meringues, chewy chocolate ganache, fresh vanilla cream and strawberries work so well together.

I used the meringue recipe from the ‘Burke Street Bakery” book , I love this book. The cake I made was  28cm so it is quite large.


8 egg whites

500 grams caster sugar

2/3 teaspoon natural vanilla extract

2/3 teaspoon white vinegar