Simisu's blog

My first sourdough loaf (intended to be pita at first, lol)


so i thought to try out my new rye starter which seemed to be doing fine, though i wasn´t treating it nice at all (let it sit outside for more then 24 hours without feeding...), that said i though to make pitas for lunch and try it out anyway, it turned out that i had to do some things and in the end i decided to shape it into a loaf and stick it in the fridge for a few hours before i could let it out to rise and stick it in the oven...

i was improvising with the recipe more or less and i´m noting it from memory so i might be wrong about some numbers...

my bread, a work in progress. (70% whole wheat, flax, sesame and love) updated with pics



so far i´ve had a couple of successes, especially the last couple of loaves (where i omitted the flex and sesame seeds which i thought complicated matters!) 

now on the road to the stable recipe i´m making some changes, first off i will use less gluten rich flour and only whole wheat flour (spelt is too expensive and until i start using the rye starter i´m gonna stick with whole wheat)

Analysis of my first few breads or Why o why don´t you rise already?


Ok, so i got struck with the baking bug about a week ago and since then i´m obsessing about figuring out how to bake my own bread...

so far i produced together with my wife 4 lovely, tasty bricks of bread, what went wrong?

story goes as such...

first bread was made utilizing the formula from lesson one on this here website, measurements were way off since i don´t have proper measuring tools (ie cups and spoons) so this was very much freestyle bread you might say. i stuck some sesame and flex seeds in there also.