Runnerfemme's blog
Treehugger Special!

I love a seedy, nutty loaf. A dear, old friend of mine would have teased me by calling this a "sticks and leaves" loaf. Mind you, he was the one with the Birkenstocks, but I digress. This Treehugger Special was inspired by my taste for heavily seeded, toothsome loaves, as well as my curiosity about porridge breads. (Oh, and I bought a bag of buckwheat flour that I really wanted to experiment with -- I'm a newbie to buckwheat. A nubuck. I won't quit my day job.) I've read many an Ode to Oat paying homage to Robertson's oat porridge loaf.
Hubbin's Favorite - Sourdough Noir

My husband is a dark chocolate fiend. I love to throw dinner parties and no matter how lovely my finale dessert may be, he teasingly chides, "if it isn't chocolate, it isn't worth eating." (Of course, his empty plate and disheveled napkin bear witness to the contrary....) So, this one is for the Hubbin!!
Seeded Sprouted Spelt Sourdough with Walnuts & Figs (AKA Alliteration Sourdough)

Waiting for bread to cool before slicing is an exercise in restraint and one at which I usually fail. Not this time and it paid off. So pleased! A creamy, cool, light interior despite the heavy ingredients of soaked seeds, fruit and nuts. I went full throttle on heat and was nervous that I'd burned the bread, but I had not. The burnished crust was just perfect for my preference. My husband is sitting next to me eating a hunk as I type this and he JUST said, "Mmm mmm gooood." Recipe & pics attached. Happy baking!