ReneR's blog

Attempt at Mini's Favorite 100% Rye Ratio loaf


I have finally managed a 100% wholemeal rye loaf using Mini's Favorite 100% Rye Ratio that I am not too unhappy about.

Two previous attempts were not bad taste-wise and both rose well in the proving, but one ended up having the dreaded flying top crust and being quite gummy and the other also gummy, even if slightly less than the first one.

The one pictured was made as follows:

Tsoureki sweat Easter bread


As I had posted in reply to cfraenkel, this Easter I tried  to make a Greek sweet Easter bread that has eluded me so far in terms of a successful bake. 

They haven't been a disaster, but also not what I had tried and liked so much. 

My first descent home-oven baked pizza (finally!)


It has been a massive source of frustration for me that, despite being able to produce pretty descent sourdough loaves, I have abjectly failed, so far, to make any remotely good pizzas and focaccias.

Even as a kid I remember trying to make pizzas and being so massively disappointed with the biscuity results. 

Shaggy biga vs. poolish


Finally managed to make two vaguely comparable loaves, one using a 'shaggy' SD biga and the other, in effect, a SD poolish (not dissimilar to the liquid levain I was using in pre-biga bakes, minus the small regular feeds).

100% not the sweet spot


The 100% biga bake was not very successful. 

Got an OK loaf at the end, but was a little too heavy and chewy.

Used 30% wholegrain rye and 70% strong white wheat. 

Used all 400g for the biga, with 40g of liquid SD starter and 180g of water. Added the remainder of the water to the biga after 24h.

Biga smelt nice and looked developed correctly.

Spelt loaves just keep getting biga


To be honest, posting more in order to use the above tabloid-type title rather than to share some new bread breakthrough, but here goes anyway. Apologies for overdoing the biga theme in the process.

My latest bake was a 50% white spelt 50% strong white wheat flour loaf with 5% golden flaxseeds (pre-full hydration). All the spelt went into the 'shaggy' biga.

Bigger biga