paleo4ever's blog

Turned out wonderful! :-). The taste is only something I could get if I paid $5.00 a loaf and to think I use to do that....... Well No More I Say!!!! :-) :-) :-) THANK YOU EVERYONE! For your words of encouragement and wonderful recipes. Learning everyday.

You are correct it is clay ceramic they call it stone ware. This one came from the pampered chef collection. I am finding it cooks bread better for me than open oven but being so new to baking I really have no idea what is best. I just know I dont need an egg wash for color. This is my take on the wonderful rustic recipe minus just rye flour I cannot find it around here I may have to order via internet,and this was with my own sourdough starter. More pictures of crumb to come when it has cooled.
OOPS on 2nd
Ahh well I learned a valuable lesson. Dough accidentally left out over night becomes useless. Got to playing with little ones and totally forgot it :-[ But on the bright side promised my daughter we will do next one together :-) :-) never knew dough could become a ballon :-)!

Loaf, Like WOW!!! Changed to grams and it is not to sticky nor is it hard to work after a few minutes I do not have a bread mixer so it is all by hand.:-). Only on 2nd slap and fold...??? Doing rustic bread minus Rye flour can not get in my area used unbleached as substitute,had the caraway seeds and thank you for giving rustic bread recipe. By my calculations at 10:30 tonight I can put in fridge till in morning
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- paleo4ever's Blog
unbleached flour vs ap flour
Being a beginner baker would using unbleached flour and ap flour give a better rise and crumb.?Or should I just use one or the other? As many wonderful bread as I have seen here my skills are just not ready for some of the other flours and grains yet. One must know their limits.
Thanks for all the help.:-) :-)
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- paleo4ever's Blog
My First True Loaf.

I have attempted bread making in the past...with disastrous results!! But then I found this site and with the help of my 4 year old daughter We made bread,and its editable.:-) :-) :-)
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