mrosen814's blog

Last Night's Pizza -- Courtesy of Nancy Silverton

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I thought I would share a few pics from last night's pizza dinner. I used Nancy Silverton's pizza dough recipe from her Mozza book. I made a few adjustments with fermentation times, but for the most part, it's the same.

I've had the pizza at Mozza and I think it's one of the best (if not, the best) pizza in Los Angeles. This recipe is not supposed to be an exact duplicate of the pizza dough at Mozza, but rather, a home baker's version. I think it came out pretty darn good, if I do say so myslef!

No Knead Ciabatta

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Using the “no-knead” method, popularized by Jim Lahey of Sullivan Street Bakery, I went for a ciabatta this weekend.  There were a few adjustments I made to the recipe:

Results from the Baguette “Test”

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For the most part, I was pleased with the results.  

The day before I baked, I made the sponge, mixed, scaled, and formed the dough into the classic baguette shape.  I put in a lot effort in creating as much surface tension as I could, otherwise, the finished product could be quite flat and blob-like.  I threw the shaped dough in the fridge, and forgot about it until the next morning.

Time to Experiment

Profile picture for user mrosen814

Time, or the lack there of, is a major issue for home bread bakers.  There is no doubt that more loaves of homemade bread would be produced if the process wasn't so time consuming.  The scheduling involved with some bread recipes can be very challenging.